Recent Clients

Investfools has an innovative, defined-risk, highly successful trade strategy that has over a decade of research backing its design as well as multiple years of historical data to prove its efficacy. Fortress Ventures built the Investfools trade strategy platform online, integrating membership management, email-based subscriptions, payment processing and monetized content streams, allowing the Investfools team to share their trade successes with a broader audience.


Atlas Connex

Atlas Connex is a robust and reliable data routing platform for engineers, which empowers you to bridge applications without the overhead of building and maintaining an event management system. Using our low-code/no-code platform, you can filter, transform, and control the flow of events to their destinations. Atlas provides highly configurable event queues, including automatic retry, rate limiting, detailed logging, and development tools, enabling you to focus on building the automation that’s important to your business. Run in our cloud or on-premise in yours.

What can you do with Atlas Connex?

Atlas provides the ability to accept data from any Source type, massage that data, format, filter, and deliver it to any Destination type, without building any infrastructure to support this flow. Configurable and managed event queues with on-demand pausing and throttling for individual destinations means your data flow is highly reliable and can stand up to unforeseen downtime and maintenance without missing a beat. Detailed logging for each phase of the fan-out (or fan-in) from source to destination provides the breadcrumbs for investigation when things go wrong.


CREST is a C web framework for building web services in the embedded or constrained device domain. Relying only on the basic utilities and services available in embedded Linuxes and other RTOS operating environments, CREST allows you to build complex REST or other web services by declaring routes and handlers. CREST supports HTTP and HTTPS, templated route assignment, automatic extraction of URL path and query params, multithreaded execution, and a robust logging framework in less than 90kB.

What can you do with CREST?

In just a few lines of code, you can create a fully functional web service embedded into your application. For example:

crest_server_route_t routes[] = {
    .url_spec = "/cgi/add/?",
    .methods = {
    .handler = default_handler_cgi,
    .arg = (void*)&cgi_config
    .url_spec = "/some/<parse1:*>/endpoint/?",
    .methods = {
    .handler = dummy_handler,
    .arg = NULL
    .url_spec = "/<file:P>",
    .methods = {
    .handler = default_handler_static_files,
    .arg = NULL
    .url_spec = NULL,
    .methods = {NULL},
    .handler = NULL,
    .arg = NULL


crest_config_t cfg = {
			.mime_types_file = "/etc/mime.types"
CrestServer srv80 = server_create(&PORT80CONFIG);


The above is all that is needed to create a webserver that can handle REST-like endpoints, serve static files, extract URL components for use in your route handlers, and interoperate with CGI-style language servers like Python and PHP for added complexity if needed.